Access top tier medical providers and prescriptions with $0 copays that don't bill your insurance!
We are available for you 24/7/365 in 80 different languages. No more sitting in traffic to see your doctor, tap the button and get a doctor now!
People are 3x more likely to delay care due to costs. Allowing for solvable conditions to turn into chronic conditions. With our plan you can stop a condition before it starts.
How we are disrupting healthcare
Here’s how we save on your healthcare costs while providing an extremely convenient solution…
Convenient, affordable healthcare solutions in the palm of your hand…
An Amaze patient reenactment shows how our location services can help you get urgent care without an unnecessary ER bill.
An Amaze patient reenactment about a gentleman requesting help in real-time while he’s standing in the drug store talking to the pharmacist.
An Amaze patient reenactment about a gentleman getting connected with medical specialists to support all of his healthcare needs.